  Public Ticket #661119
contact form fields


  • miles siefridt started the conversation

    I\'d like to had a phone field in the contact form.

    I just had this 2 lines. But it doesn\'t pop up the error message when nothing inserted in the field.

    and the phone line is not inserted in the mail i receive


    <input type=\"text\" name=\"phone\" id=\"phone\" placeholder=\"<?php _e( \'phone\', \'openframe\' ); ?>\">

    <span id=\"contact-form-phone-error\"><?php _e( \'Please, write your phone number.\', \'openframe\' ); ?></span>

    Any help on this ?

    Thanks a lot.

  •  241
    Elena replied


    Unfortunately we are unable to provide support on customisations. By the way, I\'ll point you in the right direction: you need to edit two other files in order to add extra inputs to the form. Please, take a look at:

    • js/retro-mail.js
    • includes/ajax.php

    Hope that helps,
