  Public Ticket #2205586
order of rooms


  • marcinmorga started the conversation

    Hello Pasquale, I really couldn't find this subject, using search tool and searching by myself...

    how can I change the order of rooms on the room page?
    By deafult, newly added room appears as the first but I need it to be on the end

    Kind regards,

  •  241
    Elena replied

    Hello again,

    If you need to rearrange the order of rooms, you just need to adjust the post date (https://themeskills.com/change-date-wordpress-post/).

    "Newer" rooms will come first than "older" roomswink.png

    Cheers, P.

  • marcinmorga replied

    Thank you!

    Kind regards,

  • marcinmorga replied

    Hi again,
    I'm afraid I have one more problem:
    I decide to use Deal Page to organize 4 sub-pages showing my house because I wanted to have possibility to arrange the gallery lightbox the same way as in other Pages.
    The galleries work fine but I use subtitles in a few place and they all work, only Deal Page does not.
    I attach 3 screenshots, showing just one page for example, it's called "Altana" and you can see:
    - screenshot no1 - there is a subtitle written in the box - it's proper
    - screenshot no2 - there should be a lacking subtitle shown below the name of the page
    - screenshot no3 - there is a subtitle below the name of the page - it's proper
    Here you have the link to my work if you'd like to see it in general:
    I hope there is a simple solution like before :)

    Kind regards,

  •  241
    Elena replied

    I am afraid I can't understand what you are trying to say, I am sorry. In addition, I don't speak your language and I am having a hard time navigating your site.

    Can you please provide more details (and attach screenshots) about the issue?


  • marcinmorga replied

    Hello Pasqaule,
    I'm so sorry I forgot to attach the files, here you have them, it should explain the issue

    Kind regards,

  •  241
    Elena replied

    Theme seems to be working properly. If you want to display a subtitle here:


    you should edit this page: http://wordpress1990577.home.pl/autoinstalator/wordpressplus/o-nas/ end ensure that this setting is enabled:


    Cheers, P.

  • marcinmorga replied

    Hello Pasquale,
    it's probably the last issue I have:
    I have already prepared a domain for my business and ascribe it to my wordpress site.
    The problem is it doesn't show the font I chose: ubuntu
    The site address is: morgi.agro.pl just to see it all
    What to do?

    Best regards,

  •  241
    Elena replied


    - Scenario 1: You're serving files from a different domain and it's a CORS issue, please see the attached screenshot. Ref: https://developers.google.com/fonts/docs/troubleshooting

    - Scenario 2: You've cloned a WordPress install from a different location (i.e. http://wordpress1990577.home.pl/autoinstalator/wordpressplus/) and WordPress is still trying to load fonts from the old location. Please read this thread (https://wordpress.org/support/topic/kirki-loading-google-fonts-from-old-domain-after-migration/) where it says: 

    It is now possible to reset Kirki google-font caches by visiting {site-url}/?action=kirki-reset-cache

  • marcinmorga replied

    Hello Pasquale,
    thank you for the response,
    I have read the whole discussion from scenario 2, let's not forget to delete all fonts from the server first and then use the script {site-url}/?action=kirki-reset-cache, otherwise it may not help.
    Now everything is fine :)
    Kind regards

  •  241
    Elena replied

    Glad you resolved!