  Public Ticket #1817543
wordpress 5 and velo support


  • Maaike started the conversation

    Dear sir / madam,

    I am making a new wordpress website and I found the velo theme. This is really what I am searching for. However, I have wordpress 5 installed and I see your last update is from 2016. Is this theme still supported and for how long? Will you update it for wordpress 5?

    Kind regards,


  •  241
    Elena replied

    Hi Maaike,

    Velo should work with WordPress 5 too. Please let me know if you find any issue.

    Cheers, P.

  • Maaike replied

    Hello Pasquale,

    Thank you for your quick response.

    I just bought the velo theme and it looks beautiful (I only added 2 sections yet ;). It looks quite easy to edit, although the new wordpress 5 editor with all the blocks etc is not working I think. For me not a big deal.

    For now, I found two problems:

    I get this error: 

    Mixed Content: The page at 'https://websiteurl.nl' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure stylesheet 'http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Montserrat+Alternates:400,700'. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.

    I typed the url in the browser and it is definitely also served as https. So maybe you can change http to https for this stylesheet (I am not sure for what it is used yet).

    When trying to create or edit a post, I get an error 'the editor has encountered an unexpected problem'. When looking in the console, I see this error:

    TypeError: Cannot read property 'show_ui' of undefined
        at https://websiteurl.nl/wp-includes/js/dist/editor.min.js?ver=9.0.4:55:239972
        at i (https://websiteurl.nl/wp-includes/js/dist/vendor/lodash.min.js?ver=4.17.11:6:91)
        at An.filter (https://websiteurl.nl/wp-includes/js/dist/vendor/lodash.min.js?ver=4.17.11:99:338)
        at https://websiteurl.nl/wp-includes/js/dist/editor.min.js?ver=9.0.4:55:239937
        at ph (https://websiteurl.nl/wp-includes/js/dist/vendor/react-dom.min.js?ver=16.6.3:97:88)
        at eg (https://websiteurl.nl/wp-includes/js/dist/vendor/react-dom.min.js?ver=16.6.3:125:307)
        at fg (https://websiteurl.nl/wp-includes/js/dist/vendor/react-dom.min.js?ver=16.6.3:126:168)
        at wc (https://websiteurl.nl/wp-includes/js/dist/vendor/react-dom.min.js?ver=16.6.3:138:237)
        at fa (https://websiteurl.nl/wp-includes/js/dist/vendor/react-dom.min.js?ver=16.6.3:137:115)
        at gg (https://websiteurl.nl/wp-includes/js/dist/vendor/react-dom.min.js?ver=16.6.3:135:196)

    I will not use posts at the moment, but maybe you are able to fix this.

    Kind regards,


  • Maaike replied

    Ah ok, I didn't look well, the css error is a font. Ah and it is a better font than the default. 

  • Maaike replied

    I updated the font in the header and that is now working well. But maybe you can change that in the template.

  •  241
    Elena replied

    Hi Maaike,

    I am following your tickets history and I am not sure if you still needs help. In that case please enable the "private" option and provide your site URL and credentials.



  •   Maaike replied privately
  •  241
    Elena replied

    Hey Maaike,

    Unfortunately Velo is not compatible with Gutenberg that comes with WordPress 5 and, to be honest, I don't think we'll make it compatible with that because it's not really needed for setting up the theme.

    I've installed the Classic Editor plugin that disables Gutenberg and now you can edit posts with no errors.

    Cheers, P.

  • Maaike replied

    I unfortunately found some other problems:

    • Importing the xml files is partly working: I get a lot of warnings: 
      Import sections.xml:
      Warning: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead in /var/www/html/wp-content/themes/Velo/includes/metabox/wp-alchemy.php on line 540
      All done. Have fun!

      ut it seems part of it works quite ok, however the feature images do not work (I had to add feature images myself).
    • When trying to add a menu, in screen options there should be something called 'Menu Icon'. But unfortunately, it is not there. So, when you do 'Browse all', almost all added pages have the 'link' icon and you can't change the icon. 
    • I can't get a self-created portfolio working. When creating a portfolio with items, it shows all the items. But when clicking on an item, I get a 404 error. When I add an item to an imported portfolio, everything is working well. I can't find the differences between them. But I want more portfolio's, so I cant change the imported ones and use them for everything.
  • Maaike replied

    Ok great, thank you for fixing the posts. No problem that Gutenberg is not supported. 

  •  241
    Elena replied

    Hi again,

    1) Menu: you should enable some settings to see the menu icon option:

    2) Don't care about warnings. Yes, you should add your own featured images.

    3) When you get a 404, re-save permalinks. Image below:

    Cheers, P.

  • Maaike replied

    Great! Thanks a lot for your help! It works now.

    One more questions: it seems it is not possible to have more than 1 velo 'homepage', is that correct? I found a way to do it (set one of them to private), but that doesn't seem an easy way ;).

    However, it works well, I'm happy.

  •  241
    Elena replied

    Yes, unfortunately you can't have more than one home page.

    Cheers, P.