  Public Ticket #1428315
Room lightbox


  • Edward started the conversation


    I have run into a few issues setting up the hotel room lightbox gallery. 

    1. The images seam low resolution in the post and then normal quality when opened in the lightbox.

    2. Once opened in the lightbox window, there is no cross in the top right of the browser window to close the image or next image arrow ( as is the case on your demo site).

    I wonder whats going wrong?

    Many thanks for your help.

    Very best 


  •  234
    Elena replied

    Hi Edward,

    1) Pretty weird, that should not happen. Please try disabling all plugins. If the problem persists, it's not a plugin issue. In that case we should need to have a look at the code.

    If the problem is solved, turn your plugins on one by one until the problem pops up again – there's the culprit!

    2) You should enable the Lightbox Gallery setting in the Customizer. If it's set to On, switch to Off and enable it again to make sure that setting is saved in the database.

    Cheers, P.

  •   Edward replied privately
  •  234
    Elena replied

    First of all, Lightbox Gallery setting in the Customizer was set to Off. I've enabled it and galleries work properly now (you don't need Simple Lightbox plugin anymore).

    Then I've set thumbnail sizes to Medium Square and now your images look sharp.

    Cheers, P.

  • Edward replied

    Thank you very much for that support