  Public Ticket #1170499


  • Jolanda started the conversation


    I've tried to create a lightbox, I followed the instruction video. In the gallery settings I choose Link to media file and medium square size. But the columns doesn't work. The pictures remain big. With 4 pictures I choose 2 colums, but at my website you see 4 big pictures in 1 column. And on another page I choose 3 pictures in 3 colums, but at my website you see 2 small pictures next to each other and 1 big one above them.

    In the 'edit room' page it works perfectly well, but at the website it shows someting else.

    What do I do wrong?

  •  241
    Elena replied

    Hi again,

    When you have 3 images, the first one fits 1 column automatically, that's to avoid to leave a spare half-sized image at the bottom of the gallery.

    If you have 4 images and want to display them on 2 columns, you should set Columns: 2 (your currently setting is Columns: 3, I can see that from the inspector).

    For example, here are the settings for this page: http://themes.opendept.net/hemma-elegant/room/kungsorn/

  • Jolanda replied

    Hi Pasquale,

    Hmmm, that's different from what I see... Wheter I set 2, 3 or 4 columns, it doesn't do what it should do. When I follow exactly the tutorial, with 4 images and 2 colums, my website doesn't show the 2 by 2 pictures, but 4 underneath each other. i tried with 6 pictures with 3 colums, but I get a row with 1 picture, a row with 3 pictures and a row with 2 pictures...

    I sent you a printscreen, hopefully that helps...

    What to do now?

  •  241
    Elena replied

    Hi again Jolanda,

    Maybe there's another setting you should pay attention at: Please go to Appearance -> Customize -> Layout Settings, there you'll find a setting called First gallery image width. Set to Normal if you don't want the first image being full width.


  • Jolanda replied

    Yes, that's it! thank you so much!

  •  241
    Elena replied


    If you are enjoying Hemma, don't forget to rate it 5 stars on ThemeForesthttps://themeforest.net/item/hemma-a-wordpress-theme-for-holiday-houses/reviews/15924438
